Crafty at Heart

There was lots of Valentine card making for my kids' classroom celebrations today, which ended up not happening. We got hit with mounds of snow (close to 18" by us), along with the rest of the east coast, and the sun shines on all that needs shoveling today. The valentines will still go to their appreciative friends next week, after the snow has cleared.

Here are some pictures taken in the thick of the storm -- can you spot the intrepid squirrel? :)

Credits: Green couch, counter, two chairs, and tomato artwork are Bozart; boomerang table and lamp are vintage German; art mat and accessories, green flowered tables by fireplace, cookies, danish, bread, bowl, fishbowl, bunny purse, clock, and phone are Re-ment; juice is a Japanese eraser; ball chair is Reac; stacked sideboards are vintage VERO; pouf is Lundby; "wallpaper" is scrapbook paper; skateboard is Tech Deck; pillows are AG Minis; accessories by Manor House Miniatures, Tiny Doll House Shop, and eBay finds.

Re-ment: I have written about the Re-ment in this scene with a few exceptions. The cookie box is from Megahouse Pop 'N Kitchen #4, and is large for 1:12. The round bread in the bowl is from Re-ment Bakery #5, and is good for 1:12. The danish is from Fun Meals #7 "Morning Grab 'n Go," and is slightly large for 1:12. The art mat, glue, X-acto knife, tape dispenser, stapler, and tub of glue are all from My Favorite Stationery #5, and are all good for 1:12. The tiny jars of paint are from My Favorite Stationery # 8, and are good for 1:12.